Why should you Participate and Create a Drum Circle for Peace?

Everyone wants peace and talk about peace, but how many people actually do something to foster peace in their lifetime.  This is your chance to do that something to inspire and foster peace among all those who attend your “Largest Drum Circle in the World” for Peace and Global Unity Starting in your Own Community™

We want to use drums like they have been used for over thousands of years.  Long before modern communications were ever used the sounds of Drums were used to signal to a community that something of importance needs to be shared with everyone.   The people would come from far away and gather in one place to hear what was needed to be said.  The information they received would be of benefit to all who came.

In this same way, we will use drums once again to call out to the world community and share rhythms and ideas to help plant the seeds of peace in the hearts and minds of all who attend.  We look to create a movement of people who care enough to act on creating peace and global unity starting in our own community.

If each person there helped to promote peace, in their own way, long after the event is over, we would then have achieved our goal.  Everyone has some talent that can be used to inspire others to think about peace and ultimately foster peace.

If you are an Artist create a work of art about peace that can inspire/motivate others to take action.   This Art may travel form local cities to countries reaching thousands of people.

If you are the president of a corporation, have one day with your employees to discuss peace and how we could possibly achieve it, in your work environment, globally and invite your clients too.  Inform the media of this  to spread the word out to the community.  You would then be recognized as a company that not only cares but is helping to spread the word about peace, past the four walls that surround you.

If you are a principal/teacher of a school have a day of discussion about peace, not only with the students, but with the parents as well.  Challenge them and ask what we can do now to bring peace to the forefront of all the governments of the world.

If you are a writer write a book/article about peace that inspires others to take action towards fostering peace.  Write an inspiring story, fiction or nonfiction,  that stimulates us all to think and act on peace in our lifetime.

As you can see the idea is for everyone to use what they already do best and make use of that to inspire, motivate and start getting everyone to really start thinking about peace now, not only when there are catastrophic events like the boming of the World Trade Center.

Imagine a  high school course in every school in the United States, that requires our students to have meaningful discussion about peace and how we could possibly achieve it in our lifetime.  Those very same youth of today who become the leaders of tomorrow would have had the seeds of peace planted in their mind and heart.  So, as they begin to make major decisions about the world they hopefully would have peace as part of the decision making process.  And as we become the leaders of peace, other countries could do the same

Now imagine that the very same people who attended your “Largest Drum Circle in the World” for Peace and Global Unity Starting in your Own Community™ left there inspired and motivated enough to actually do something that helps others feel the same way.  Then you truly would have accomplished what this movement is about.

Remember small acts multiplied by Millions of People can Change the World.
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